Born and raised in Rotterdam, I live now nearby Amsterdam, close to the seacoast of the Netherlands.
I am a dedicated electronic music artist and DJ, with a passion for combining different music styles to make new EDM, with the hardware synthesizers I own. ("Access TI Virus" still my favorite old girl of all times)
I am trying to make my music reflect as much my own taste and personality, with deep synth sounds layering on each other.
DOING collabs with other EDM musicians I also love to do, to learn the different techniques they use.
tech i use:
for my daw i use Ableton 12 suite
mastering final track izotope ozone
drums and arpeggiator a roland tr-8,
synths: access virus ti, roland jd-i, mininova
focusrite scarlett 18i20 for out and input, krk 5 for monitor speakers
and some other small external tools like novation launchpad pro, mics etc.
Further, just fuckoff now and dance! ;-)
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